The world of the silver screen is fascinating and enticing. Many people get the cinema bug and try their hand at filmmaking or become a part of the process of filmmaking. Acting, Writing, Direction, Music Production, Singing, SFX, VFX, animation and graphics; any part of the process of visual content creation has an undeniable lure. People wanting to get into video production have to understand the fundamental workings of a film production company.
A production company is the centre of any video production. It is the production company’s job to ensure the entire process goes on smoothly.
The main goal of a production company is to produce content. The first step to making a video or a film is to have an idea. The idea is the story or the concept for a movie/film, an advertisement or other videos; this is the central message. The next step is to create a script. The script is a thorough and detailed description of what one will see on the video. A film production company either has a band of writers or independent writers, will pitch their scripts. Once the production company approves the script/screenplay, the film is officially in motion.
The production company is responsible for hiring the actors or the cast, and everyone working behind the camera or the crew. The writers of the script may have their preferred team; the production company only gets them on-board. Otherwise, the production company hires the necessary people. They can have auditions for the cast, and the crew are usually hired based on work repertoire.
The pre-production stage is where all the behind-the-scenes work happens. After determining the cast and crew, drawing up budgets, the next step is to prepare everything necessary for filming. The production manager plays a vital role here, co-ordinating the happenings and updates of different departments. The entire planning for filming happens at this stage; locations, shooting schedule, call sheets, equipment etc. The various departments – art, camera, direction, costume and make-up, sound – come together, preparing everything for filming.
The production stage is the actual shooting of the film. The production company collaborates with the different departments, to ensure a hassle-free production. They make sure all the props are there, the set is ready, the cast and crew are on the spot, the costumes are right, and that the necessary audio and visual equipment are there.
After filming, the editing process begins. Other departments like the Sound and SFX, Graphics and VFX, D.I. and Animators also come in here and contribute to the final cut of the film. The production company gets the output from each department, collating it into a feature film.
The film production company is a part of the film right from start to finish. They engage marketing and publicity companies to publicise the movie. They set up interviews for the cast and the crew members on popular tv and online shows. They release trailers and sneak-peeks. They create hype in the media and get a buzz going, ensuring that the audience’s attention is piqued. They distribute the film to theatres worldwide for screening it.
After the release, the division of profit happens between the writers, directors and the production company, or the production company may take it all. The distribution of this profit from ticket sales, satellite and OTT rights, dubbing or remake rights is determined while making the first contract between the writers and the company.
Any person working in a production company is part of all the action. A production manager or any other person from a film production company gets to be a part of the entire process from the beginning to end. They get an exclusive view behind the silver screen like no other.